

时间:2019-03-26 08:38来源:考试资料 作者: 点击:
下面是小编为大家整理的 ,供大家参考!更多考研辅导,请及时关注新东方网考研频道。

  ►I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about…

  ►I write to make a complaint about…

  ►I would like to draw your attention to the problem that…

  ►I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to request you to take corrective actions concerning…

  ►I regret to inform you it absolutely disappointed me that …

  ② 展开

  ►To be frank, in the first few weeks, I got on well with… However, recently, I have discovered that…

  ►This has put us to great inconvenience. Therefore, I am returning... and would greatly appreciate if you could replace it.

  ►I am totally upset with… and can not tolerate anymore.

  ►To my great regret, they become troublemakers and affect my life seriously.

  ►Honestly, at the beginning, I was quite satisfied with your service. To my great disappointment, yesterday I found that…

  ③ 结尾

  ►To solve this problem, some remedial actions should be taken before things get worse.

  ►To solve the unpleasant matter, I suggest making the following changes.

  ►I shall be grateful if you could consider my situation and improve it as soon as possible.

  ► I trust you will take my complaints seriously and look forward to hearing from you soon.

  ►I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter and reply at your earliest convenience.

TAG标签:   2020考研英语一      2020考研英语作文      2020考研英语阅   


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