

时间:2018-07-29 18:26来源:网络整理考试资料 作者:华宇课件网 点击:
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Native American Pottery



1.In the first paragraph the word “commercial” means _________.


2.The second paragraph in the passage is developed mainly through_________.


3.The Sail Ildefonso pueblo is known for _________.


4.Traditional methods of making pottery ______.

传统方式制作陶器______ ——推理题

5.Another good title for this passage would be _________.

适合本文的其他的题目是_____ ——主旨题

1. There are several American Indian groups in the Southwest that still make beautiful pottery. Some of this pottery may be sold at fairly high prices. But the makers consider their work as more than a commercial enterprise. By using methods handed down for generations, the potters express their pride in their cultural inheritance.


2. Some of the most interesting pottery is made by the Pueblo Indians. There are 21 individual pueblos in Arizona and New Mexico. Several are famous for their craftsmanship.

To make a pot, these potters use a clay base and add long thin coils of clay to it in a spiral pattern. When they have reached the size they want, they use an implement such as a rock or shell to smooth the surfaces of the pot.


3.How a pot is decorated and fired depends on the traditions of the group making it. Traditional pottery produced by the Acoma, who have lived for centuries on a high mesa in New Mexico, is first painted with a clay slip.

The resulting pots: which are prized for their delicacy and strength, may be left white. They may also be painted with black and white patterns or with a combination of black, orange, and brown.


4. Very distinctive black pottery comes from the San Ildefonso and Santa Clara pueblos. The black color is the result of carbon being released from the animal manure in which the pot is fired. Some artisans hand –rub this ware to a shiny gloss.

Others cut patterns into it: resulting in a part shiny: part flat surface. Potters at SailIldefonso make many types of wares. Potters at Santa Clara are especially known for wedding jars-jars with two necks connected by a handle.


5. Other groups such as the Hopi and the Cochiti also make pottery. Each group uses distinctive methods and produces distinctive forms and designs.



1.In the first paragraph the word “commercial” means_________.

A.having to do with advertising products on TV

B.having to do with selling and business

C.large- scale




There are several American Indian groups in the Southwest that still make beautiful pottery. Some of this pottery may be sold at fairly high prices. But the makers consider their work as more than a commercial enterprise.


2.The second paragraph in the passage is developed mainly through_________.

A.steps in a process

B.description of objects

C.the telling of a story



TAG标签:   基础      高级会计师      职称英语      2018      阅读理解   


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