

时间:2018-07-29 18:28来源:网络整理考试资料 作者:华宇课件网 点击:
很多地区对考生职称英语的能力还有要求,今天东奥小编为大家准备了高会职称英语练习题,在备考高级会计实务的同时不要忘记学习 高级会计师 职称英语哦。 Importance of Services (服


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Importance of Services



1.The first paragraph intends to tell us that_____


2.Between 1966 and 1986,the United States created about____


3.Many economists,business and labor leaders and politicians believe that____


4.The importance of services can be shown_____


5.What does the writer of this passage disapprove of regarding services now?


1.The United States has moved beyond the industrial economy stage to the point where it has become the world’s first service economy. Almost three-fourths of the nonfarm labor force is employed in service industries, and over two-thirds of the nation’s gross national product is accounted for by services. Also, service jobs typically hold up better during a recession than do jobs in industries producing tangible goods.


2.During the 20-year period of 1966 to 1986, about 36 million new jobs were created in the United States—far more than in Japan and Western Europe combined. About 90 percent of these jobs were in service industries. During this same time span, some 22 million women joined the labor force—and 97 percent of these women went to work in the service sector.

These employment trends are expected to continue at least until the year 2000. For the period 1986-2000, the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that over 21 million new jobs will be created and 93 percent of them will be in service industries.


3.Moreover, most of this explosive growth in services employment is not in low-paying jobs, contrary to the beliefs of many economists, business and labor leaders, and politicians. These people argue that manufacturing jobs, which have been the economic foundation of America’s middle class, are vanishing.

They claim that factory workers are being replaced with a host of low-wage earners. It is true that manufacturing jobs have declined, with many of them going to foreign countries. It is also true that there has been growth in some low-paying service jobs.

Yet cooks and counter people still represent only 1 percent of the U.S. labor force today. Furthermore, for many years the fastest-growing occupational category has been“professional, technical, and related work”.These jobs pay well above the average, and most are in service industries.


4.About one-half of consumer expenditures are for the purchase of services. Projections to the year 2000 indicate that services will attract an even larger share of consumer spending.

A drawback of the service economy boom is that the prices of most services have been going up at a considerably faster rate than the prices of most tangible products. You are undoubtedly aware of this if you have had your car or TV set repaired, had your shoes half-soled, or paid a medical bill in recent years.


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