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时间:2021-06-09 09:43来源:华宇网校作者:英语专业四八级 英语视频网课


  __1__T.S. Eliot is most famous for____.

  A The Waste Land B A Vision C The Unknown Citizen D The North Ship

  __2__William Butler Yeats is the writer of the following works but____.

  A A Vision B The Waste Land C The Tower D Responsibilities

  __3__Murder on the Orient Express is written by_____ a novelist of detective fiction.

  A Arthur Conan Doyle B Edgar Allan Poe C Agatha Christie D John Fowels

  __4__Death on the Nile is written by____ a novelist of detective fiction.

  A Arthur Conan Doyle B Edgar Allan Poe C Agatha Christie D John Fowels

  __5__A Handful of Dust was_____ best novel and it took its title from T.S. Eliot’s The Waste Land (I have seen fear in a handful dust) and it was a modern Gothic comic-tragedy.

  A Graharn Greene’s B Evelyn Waugh’s C Robert Graves’ D John Fowels’

  __6__Robert Graves wrote all the following novels except____.

  A 1, Claudius B Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina

  C Count Belisarius D The Power of the Glory

  __7__The Power and the Glary was written by_____.

  A Graharn Greene B Evelyn Waugh C Robert Graves D John Fowels

  __8__Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty Four were written by____.

  A George Orwell B William Golding C Graham Greene D Robert Graves  更多信息

  __9__Which of the following group of authors is sometimes referred to as belonging to the “angry young man”?

  A Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeek B Kingsley Amis, John Wain

  C William Golding, John Steinbeck D John Wain, William Golding

  __10__ ______ is the representative work of the school of “the angry young man”.

  A Lucky Jim by Kingsley Amis B Jim by Rudyard Kipling

  C Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad D Heart of Darkness


  1-5ABCCB 6-10DAABA

  1.选A。T.S. 艾略特1922年发表《荒原》,运用大量的神话绘站后西方精神失落的景象,表达人的再生的希望,他的诗作代表了现代主义诗歌创作的突出成就。

  2.选B。 爱尔兰诗人威廉?巴特勒?叶芝(William Butler Yeats)的诗歌构建出自己神秘主义象征体系,诗作具有强烈的个人风格,充满辩证的思考极具张力,曾获得19 度的诺贝尔文学奖。《幻象》(A Vision),《塔》(The Tower),《责任》(Responsibilities)都为叶芝的诗作。《荒原》(The Waste Land)是同期现代诗人T.S.艾略特的代表作。

  3.C.阿加莎?克里斯蒂( Agatha Christie )被誉为“侦探小说女皇”,她在《东方快车谋杀案》Murder on the Orient Express等侦探小说里为读者逃避严峻的社会现实提供一个想象的世界。

  4.阿加莎?克里斯蒂( Agatha Christie )被誉为“侦探小说女皇”,她在《尼罗河的惨案》Death on the Nile等侦探小说里为读者逃避严峻的社会现实提供一个想象的世界。

  5.选B。伊夫林?沃在他的作品《一捧尘土》A Handful of Dust中描述英国社会婚姻、家庭、学校、宗教、政治生活中的荒唐、邪恶与堕落。该小说的标题取自TS艾略特1922年发表的《荒原》中的诗句“我从一捧尘土中看到恐惧”。

  6.选D。罗伯特?格雷夫斯,诗人兼小说家,他的古罗马帝国三部曲《我,克劳斯蒂》(I, Claudius)《克劳斯蒂和他的妻子梅萨利纳》(Claudius the God and His Wife Messalina),《贝利萨里乌伯爵》(Count Belisarius)是现代历史小说经典之作,现实主义的表现手法在古代的任务具有亲切感,同时又保持了历史性。

  7.选A。格雷尔姆?格林(Graham Greene)致力于探究现代社会中人类的精神危机,记录个人灵魂在善恶之间的煎熬,并将探索人类内心世界与反映当代政治和社会问题结合起来。他的《权力与光荣》(The Power and the Glory)奠定了他作为20世界英国重要小说家的地位。

  8.选A。乔治?奥威尔的代表作有着名的政治寓言小说《动物农场》(Animal Farm),《一九八四年》(Nineteen Eighty Four),作品中表现出强烈的责任心和对极主义的忧虑。

  9.选B。20世纪50年代英国文坛涌现出一批具有现实主义倾向的作家。金斯利?埃米斯(Kingsley Amis)和约翰?韦恩(John Wain)等人被称为“愤怒的青年”,因为他们在小说中抒发了对英国社会等级森严,贫富不均现状的愤怒和不满。

  10.选A。《黑暗的心》(Heart of Darkness)和《吉姆老爷》(Lord Jim)都是约瑟夫?康拉德(Joseph Conrad)的小说。《吉姆》(Jim)是同期另一位作家拉迪亚德?吉卜林(Rudyard Kipling)的作品。金斯利?埃米斯(Kingsley Amis)在《幸运儿吉姆》(Lucky Jim)中编织的“不幸者意向不到地得到幸运”是“愤怒青年”一派的代表作



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