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时间:2021-06-16 16:07来源:华宇网校作者:英语专业四八级 英语视频网课


  ___1___ The longest river in Britain is ___?

  A Severn B Tees C Thames D Clyde

  ___2___ The British Isles is made up of ___?

  A Three large islands and hundreds of small ones B Two large islands and hundreds of small ones C Three large islands and dozens of small ones D Two large islands and dozens of small ones

  ___3___ In ___ the Romans conquered Greece.

  A 146 B.C B 1200 B.C C 700 B.C D the 5th century

  ___4___ Which work described the war led by Agamemnon against the city of Troy?

  A Antigone B Odyssey C Iliad D Oedipus the king

  ___5___ There are three political divisions ___ on the island of Great Britain.

  A England, Scotland, and Ireland B England, Scotland, and Wales C England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland D Northern Ireland, Wales, and Scotland

  ___6___ The Tower of London, located in the centre of London, was built by___.

  A King Harold B William the Conqueror C Robin Hood D Oliver Cromwell

  ___7___ St. Paul’s Cathedral is in ___.

  A Liverpool B London C Glasgow D Birmingham

  ___8___ The largest lake in Britain is ___?

  A Ullswater B Loch Lomond C Windermere D The Lough Neagh

  ___9___ Which culture reached a high point of development in the 5th century B.C?

  A Roman Culture B Greek Culture C Chinese Culture D Egyptian Culture

  ___10___The founder of scientific mathematics is ___.

  A Aristotle B Heracleitus C Socrates D Pythagoras

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  答案:1. 选A。 Severn(塞汶河)为英国长的河,长约338千米。 Thames(泰晤士河)为英国第二大河。

  2. 选B。 大不颠岛山大不颠岛和爱尔兰岛两个大岛和数百个小岛组成。

  3. 选A。 公元前146年,罗马征服希腊。考试~大

  4. 选C。 Iliad《伊利亚特》描述了由 Agamemnon(阿伽门侬)领导的Troy(特洛伊)战争。

  5. 选B。 大不颠岛有三大政治区:England英格兰、Scotland苏格兰、Wales威尔士,其中人口多,面积大的岛是England(英格兰)。

  6. 选B。 The Tower of London(伦敦塔),位于泰晤士河北岸,伦敦塔附近,是伦敦着名的古迹之一。William the Conqueror(威廉一世)于11世纪保卫和控制整个伦敦而建造了该塔,占地18英亩。经过历代君主的扩建和修整,整个建筑反映了英国不同朝代的建筑风格。

  7. 选B。 St. Paul’s Cathedral (圣保罗大教堂)是英格兰大的新教教堂。早在此址上建立的诺曼教堂在1666年的伦敦大火中焚毁,现在圣保罗大教堂由英国建筑师雷恩设计,于1675年兴建,历时35年于1710年建好。教堂内有威灵顿纪念碑,教堂正门上部人子墙上雕刻着圣保罗传教的画面,墙顶上立有圣保罗的石雕像。

  8. 选D。 The Lough Neagh(内伊湖)英国北爱尔兰湖泊,是大不列颠岛大的湖,长31公里,面积389平方公里。Lough 为爱尔兰方言,是湖泊、海湾的意思。

  9. 选B。公元前5世纪希腊人击败了波斯人的入侵,使希腊文化在文学、哲学科学等领域达到了繁荣的顶峰。




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