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时间:2021-08-12 10:33来源:华宇网校作者:英语专业四八级 英语视频网课



  1."Gold Rush" was vividly depicted in ____ novels.

  A Hemingway’s B Mark Twain’s C Henry Jame’s D Faulkner’s

  2.The period of Old English literatue refers to ____

  A 449-1066

  B 14thcentury - mid 17th century

  C 14th century- mid 18th century

  D 16th century- mid 18th century

  3.The great transcendental work by Henry David Thoreau is ____

  A Nature B Walden C Experience D Essays

  4.____has been entitled the "Father of American Poetry".

  A Philip Freneau B Ralph Waldo Emerson C William Cullen Bryant D Walt Whitman

  5. The emotional effect and social significance made ____ the first well-known sociological novel in American Literature.

  A The Sun Also Rises B Uncle Tom’s Cabin

  C The Old Man and The Sea D Sister Carrie

  6. Stephen Crane is famous for ____

  A An American Tragedy B The Ambassadors

  C Main Street D The Red Badge of Courage

  7.Which of the following is NOT true for Benjamin Franklin?

  A He was a famous writer B He was a member to draft the Declaration of Independence

  C He was a great scientist D He was once elected American President

  8. Whitman’s poems are characterized by all the following features EXCEPT____

  A a strict poetic form B a simple and conversational language C a free and natural rhythmic pattern D an easy flow of feelings

  9.American fiction in the 1960s is retered to as ____

  A imagism B black humor C new fiction D the Beat Generation

  10.William Faukener is the author of ____

  A Far From the Madding Crowd B Sound and Fury C For Whom the Bell Tolls D Scarlet Letter


  1.B 马克吐温的很多短篇小说对Gold Rush(淘金)进行了很形象的描绘。

  2.A Anglo-Saxons所说的语言被称为古英语,Anglo-Saxons是在五世纪中侵入英国领土的,直到1066年诺曼公爵政府英格兰,建立诺曼底王朝,才代替了Anglo-Saxons。

  3.B 瓦尔登湖是梭罗杰出的超验主义作品。

  4.A Philip Freneau(1752--1832)被称为“美国诗歌之父”。着有:The wild Honey Suckle;To The Memory of Brave Americans。

  5.B 汤姆叔叔家的小屋是美国文学史上第一部揭示黑人被虐待,宣扬反奴隶制度的小说,激发了社会各界人士的感情,是一部社会性质很强的小说。

  6.D The Red Badge of Courage《红色英勇勋章》是Stephen Grane的代表作。

  7.D Benjamin Franklin 是伟大的作家,科学家,还是美国独立宣言的撰写人之一,但是未曾担任过美国总统。

  8.A Whitman主张自由诗体,认为诗歌不应该收到格律约束。他的代表作《草叶集》标志着真正意义上美国诗歌的诞生。

  9.B 黑色幽默是二十世纪六十年代盛行的小说类型,用幽默的手法来揭示可悲的现实。

  10.B Far From the Madding Crowd为 托马斯哈代的作品;For Whom the Bell Tolls为海明威的作品;Scarlet Letter为霍桑的作品。



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