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时间:2019-11-23来源:热门考试资讯平台 作者:华宇考试网 点击:


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  倒计时 100 天 100-day countdown

  价格改革 pricing reform

  防作弊措施 anti-cheating measures

  创意毕业照 creative / innovative graduation photos

  失联航班 missing flight

  旅游扶贫 poverty alleviation through tourism

  品质革命 quality revolution

  多边税收协议 multilateral agreement on tax matters

  器官转运绿色通道 fast channels /"green passage" for organ transportation

  校园欺凌 school bullying

  运营测试 trial run

  国家专营 state monopoly

  魏则西事件 Wei Zexi incident / case

  储备冻猪肉 frozen pork reserve

  iPhone 商标大战 trademark fight over "iPhone"

  境外非政府组织(NGO) overseas non-governmental organization

  营改增(VAT) replace business tax with value-added tax

  实习生工资 salary / wage for student interns

  不规范放生 unregulated release of captive animals

  奥运会会徽 Olympic emblem / logo

  司法解释 judicial interpretation/explanation

  土地使用权到期 expiration of land use rights

  气候协议 climate agreement

  奥运圣火 the Olympic flame

  开门红 a good start

  足球一流强国 top-class soccer nation

  农村学生专项计划 special college enrollment plan for rural students

  公开面试 public audition

  告别赛 farewell match, final game, swan song

  海淘 cross-border online shopping

  核安全合作 nuclear security cooperation

  限苗令 vaccination limitation

  社保费率 social security premium rate

  问题疫苗 problematic vaccine

  增值税 value-added tax

  冒名上大学 ake identity to enter college

  慈善法 charity law

  消费者投诉 consumer complaint

  大众旅游时代 era of mass tourism

  山寨应用 fake app

  人机大战 man VS machine battle

  工匠精神 spirit of the craftsman

  首付贷 down payment loan

  休学创业 suspend courses to do business

  药 检 drug test

  楼市高烧 high fever of real estate

  手机转账 money transfer via mobile banking

  封闭住宅区 gated residential community

  雾霾脸 smog face

  包月服务 monthly subscription service

  苹果支付 Apple Pay

  低首付 the minimum down payment

  窗口挂号 registration tickets issued on site

  母婴室 baby-care room, mother-and-baby room

  咬 春 bite the spring

  四个全面 Four Comprehensives 57 .换汇潮 currency exchange boom

  财产申报 asset report/declaration

  红包照片 red envelope photo, pay-photo

  中阿友谊 China-Arab friendship

  寒潮 cold snap, cold front

  光棍危机 bachelor crisis

  数字货币 digital currency/money

  成品油定价机制 fuel pricing scheme

  猴 票 monkey stamp

  国家高科技奖 the State Supreme Science and Technology Award

  汇率中间价 central parity rate

  生育登记服务制度 birth registration service system

  降 税 tariff cut

  氢 弹 hydrogen bomb, H-bomb

  控 枪 gun control

  低碳城市 low-carbon cities

  旅游不文明行为inappropriate tourism behavior

  大众旅游时代era of mass tourism

  旅游景点 tourist attraction

  打车软件 car-hailing apps

  过度包装 excessive packaging

  劳动年龄人口 working-age population

  网络二手货市场online flea market


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