

时间:2021-01-08来源:华宇网校作者:英语四级考试时间 英语四级网课






  1. 透露“致歉”,凡是是不迭物动词,要透露向或人致歉,用介词to, 要透露由于某缘故原由而致歉或替或人致歉,用介词 for。如:

  First, I must apologize to you. 首先,我要向你们透露歉意。

  I apologize for not writing before. 我此前未能写信,谨表歉意。

  Karen phoned the other day to apologize for her behaviour. 卡伦头几天打电话来对她的行为透露歉意。

  2. 因为 apologize 是不迭物动词,因此在厥后接 that从句是过错的。如:


  误:I apologized that I stepped on her foot.

  正:I apologized to her for stepping on her foot.


  1. 透露“致歉”,凡是是可数名词,可以连用不定冠词,也可用单数形式。如:

  There's no need for apologies. 不必致歉。

  I have to begin with an apology. 我得首先透露歉意。

  2. 要透露向或人致歉,用介词 to;要透露由于某缘故原由而致歉或替或人致歉,用介词 for。如:

  I make no apology to him for what I said. 我没有因说了些什么而向他致歉。

  I must offer her an apology for not going to her party. 我必需为未参与她的晚会透露歉意。


  英语四级语法用法辨析:Some 和 any 的用法差别




  There are some students in the classroom. 课堂里有几个学生。

  There is some milk in the glass. 杯子里有一些牛奶。


  Some of the boys are playing games now. 有几个男孩目前正在做游戏。

  I have no paper. Please give me some. 我没有纸了,请给我一些吧。


  Can you give me some money? 你能给我一些钱吗?

  Would you like some more rice? 再来点米饭好吗?

  Why don't you buy some flowers for her? 你为何不给她买些花呢?

  If you want (some), I'll give you some. 若是你想要(一些),我就给你一些。



  Do you have any questions to ask? 你有什么问题要问吗?

  There isn't any water in this bottle. 这个瓶子里没有水。


  You may take any of them. 这些东西,你随意拿哪一个都行。

  Any man with eyes in his head can see that he's exactly like a rope. 任何一个头上长有眼睛的人都能看出,他完全像一根绳索。


  If you have any time, please come to my house. 若是你偶然间,请来我家(玩)。

  If you have any, give us some. 若是你有的话,就给咱们一点儿吧。



  She wants some chalk.

  She doesn't want any chalk.


  He never had any regular schooling.


  If you have any trouble, please let me know.



  Are you expecting some visitors this afternoon?(语言人以为下战书有人要求,因此用some)

  Are you expecting any visitors this afternoon?(语言人不了解下战书是不是有人来,因此用any)

  Didn't you give him some tickets?(语言人以为票已经给他了。问题的解答是:Sure I did)

  Did you give him any tickets?(语言人不了解是不是给票了。解答能够是yes或no。)


  Won't you have some more tea?

  Could you get me some clips?


  三、在“Let me know if you need any help.”这种条件句中,可用some取代any。


  Let me know if you need help.

  用some 则透露提供对方某种水平的、明确的帮助,或者透露等待一定的解答。

  Let me know if you need some help.



  1. I can see_____birds in the tree.

  2. There isn't_____orange juice in my bottle. Please give me_____ .

  3. —Do you have_____picture-books? —No, I don't have_____ . But I have_____story-books.

  4. —Is there_____rice in the bag? —No, there isn't_____ .

  5. —Are there_____boys in the classroom? —No, but there are_____girls in it.

  6. —Which one can I take? —You may take_____one of them.

  7. —Would you like_____fruit juice, please? —No. I'd like_____tea.

  8. If you have_____questions, please put up your hands.

  9. May I ask you_____questions, Miss Wang?

  10. Can you see_____bikes under the tree?


  1. some

  2. any; some

  3. any; any; some

  4. any; any

  5. any; some

  6. any

  7. some; some

  8. any

  9. some

  10. any



  1. 二者都透露“很多”,但 many 润色或取代可数名词(单数),与 few(多数)绝对;而 much 用来润色或取代不行数名词(双数),与little(小部分)绝对。如:

  Did you see many people there? 你在那边瞥见很多人了吗?

  Many poets have died young. 很多墨客很年老就逝世了。

  Do you have much money left? 你剩的钱多吗?

  He doesn't spend much time preparing his lessons. 他备课不花太多时间。

  2. 对于many of 和 much of:

  (1) 厥后接名词时,该名词凡是应是特指的(好比有the, these, those, my, our, Tom's等润色)。如:

  Many of the farmers grow rice. 许多农夫种稻子。

  Many of his ideas were amusing to her. 他的很多设法主意使她感应风趣。

  He spends much of his time outdoors. 他许多时间都在户外渡过。

  Much of the land was flooded. 大片地盘被水吞没。

  (2) 若是名词没有表特指的限制词,凡是就不用of。如:


  误:She didn't eat much of breakfast.

  正:She didn't eat much breakfast.


  误:There aren't many of large glasses left.

  正:There aren't many large glasses left.

  (3) 若是用了介词of又没有特指限制词,凡是是不行以的。如:

  误:Many of students have read it.

  正:Many of the students have read it. 很多学生读过它。

  误:Much of time was wasted.

  正:Much of the time was wasted. 大部分时间都铺张了。

  (4) 在多数情形下,much of以后不跟限制词也能够用,这重要见后接人名和地名的情况。如:

  Not much of Denmark is hilly. 丹麦山地未几。

  I've seen too much of Howard recently. 刚刚我见霍华德见得太多了。

  (5) 在人称代词前老是用many of或much of,此中的of无法没有。如:

  I didn't eat much of it. 这个我没吃多少。

  Many of us were too tired to go further. 咱们许多人都累得无法再往前走了。

  (6) much of偶然可用于一个另外还有不定冠词的名词前。如:

  You can't see much of a country in a week. 一周以内看一个国家看不了多少中央。

  How much of a job would it be to rebuild the garage? 重修这个车库工作量会是多少?

  not much of a 偶然可用于名词前透露或人对某物或或人评价不高。如:

  Then he's not much of a partner. 当时他不是什么了不得的合资人。

  That might not seem like much of an accomplishment. 那仿佛算不上什么成就。

  3. 二者均可与 more 连用,其差别依然是 many more以后接单数名词,much more 以后接不行数名词。如:

  There have been many more burglaries this year. 今年偷窃案比已往多好些。

  His car cost much more money than mine. 他的小汽车所花的钱比我的多很多。


  Many people support the government, but many more are against it. 很多人支持国家,但更多很多的人反对它。

  别的,厥后润色的不是名词,而是描述词或副词,则用much more,不用many more。如:

  You must work much more carefully. 你应工作得越发仔细。

  Politics is much more difficult than physics. 政治学比物理学难。

  4. 注重“many a+双数可数名词”的用法:形式上为双数,但意思上为单数(意为“很多”),若用作主语,其谓语凡是与形式分歧而不与意思分歧(即谓语用双数)。如:

  I have told him many a time to be polite. 我屡次告诉他要有规矩。

  Many a young man has tried and failed. 许多年老人都试过,并且失利了。

  注重,“many a+双数名词”是一个非常正式的构造,在书面语或非正式体裁中一般都用 “many+单数名词”代之。

  5. 与a great [good] number of, a great [good] amount of等表达不一样,a great [good] many后接名词时,不用介词of。如:

  I've known her for a great many years. 我熟悉她好多年了。

  A great many people were at the meeting. 许多人参与了会。


  A good many of them have cars. 他们中的很多人有汽车。

  A great many of the trees were destroyed in the storm. 此次狂风雨毁了很多树。
