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2020年6月大学英语四级作文范文50例:Silence Is Not Always Gold

时间:2020-02-12来源:互联网收集 作者:华宇考试网 点击:


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  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Silence Is Not Always Gold. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

  1. 在现代社会中,“沉默是金”不一定是好事

  2. 请举例说明

  3. 总结全文


  Silence Is Not Always Gold

  “Silence is gold” is a popular saying in which many people have belief. To these people speaking too much is not a merit. However, if you always keep silent, you will probably miss many golden opportunities instead of obtaining the gold of silence.

  Last week I read an article written by an office lady. The company where she worked had two kinds of offices: cubicle office and window office. As a new employee she worked in a cubicle office together with twenty colleagues. Two years later she still worked there but some colleagues who came later than her had moved into the window office. She felt confused. One day one colleague told her that window office wasn’t obtained without request. But believing that she certainly gained one if she did a good job the woman had never asked for it.

  From the woman’s experience we learn that silence is not always gold. In the modern society one needs to speak his mind and speak for his own interests.








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