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时间:2020-01-02来源:英语六级考试网 作者:英语六级词汇 点击:
2020年6月大学英语六级词汇前后缀汇总 Prefixes Example a- an- == no;without;lack a- == in;on;at;by;with;to a- an-


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  a-/an- == no;without;lack

  a- == in;on;at;by;with;to

  a-/an- == 加强意义

  ab- == from;away from

  ac- == at;to,或表示加强意义

  ad- == to;toward;forward

  af- == at;to,或表示加强意义

  ag- == at;to,或表示加强意义

  amphi- == 两、双

  ante- == before

  anti- == against

  ap- == 加强或引伸意义

  ap-/apo- == 离开

  ar- == at;to,表示加强及引伸意义

  arch- == 1)big;chief. 2)ancient

  as == to;forward

  at- == at;to,表示加强及引伸意义

  auto- == self;personally

  be- = make or cause to be

  be- == 加以...,饰以...,用..做

  be- == 在

  be- == 加强及引伸意义

  bene- == well;good

  bi- == two

  by- == 旁、侧、非正式、副

  circu- == around

  co- == together

  col- == together

  com- == together

  com- == 加强或引伸意义

  con- == together

  con- == 加强或引伸意义

  contra- == against

  cor- == together

  cor- == 加强或引伸意义

  counter- == opposite

  de- == down from

  de- == 向下、降低、减少

  de- == 使成...,作成...,或仅作加强意义

  de- == not

  de- == 除去、取消、毁

  dec(a)- == ten

  deci- == 十分之一

  demi- == 半

  di- == 二、双

  dia- == through;between;across

  dif- == 1)apart. 2)not;opposite

  dis- == 不、无、相反

  dis- == 取消、除去、毁

  dis- == 加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词前,作加强意义

  dis- == 分开、离、散

  dis- == 有时作di-

  dys- == 不良、恶、困难

  e- == 加强或引伸意义

  e- == 出、外

  ef- == 出、离去

  em- == 表示“置于...之内”、“上...”

  em- == 表示“用...做某事”、“饰以...”、“配以...”

  em- == 表示“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”

  eco- == ecological


   英语六级词汇前缀       英语六级词汇后缀   

