

时间:2018-08-16 20:12来源:网络收集考试资料 作者:华宇课件网 点击:
以下是新东方在线为大家整理的2019考研翻译硕士:MTI汉译英政治类话题的表达积累- 以2018政府工作报告为例(4)的相关

  以下是华宇在线为大家整理的“2019考研翻译硕士:MTI汉译英政治类话题的表达积累- 以2018政府工作报告为例(4)”的相关内容,希望对考研的同学有所帮助,一起来看看吧!



  首先是关于“开展”一词的翻译,在政府工作报告中,开展活动,开展磋商一类的表达通常都翻译为“carry out”。其次,“行动”一词大家第一反应可能是move “something that you decide to do in order to achieve something”,可以看到就是单纯的表示行动,我们官方用了initiative一词 “an important new plan or process to achieve a particular aim or to solve a particular problem”,那initiative和move 大的区别就是差了new,“互联网+”毋庸置疑是一个新兴模式,那么这里用initiative明显更为恰当。后,“深刻重塑”指的应该是从头到尾彻底的重新塑造,所以应该用thorough这个词“including every possible detail”。除此以外,这句话中大家需要积累的新兴词汇有:大数据big data,云计算cloud computing,物联网the Internet of Things。

  We have done more in carrying out the Internet Plus Initiative, exercised accommodative and prudential regulation, and promoted the extensive application of big data, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things; emerging industries have achieved vigorous growth, and traditional industries have undergone a thorough remodeling.

  2. 实施“中国制造2025”,推进工业强基、智能制造、绿色制造等重大工程,先进制造业加快发展。

  这句话中重大工程,工业强基robust industrial foundations,智能制造smart manufacturing,绿色制造green manufacturing

  Implementation of the Made in China 2025 Initiative has brought progress in major projects like the building of robust industrial foundations, smart manufacturing, and green manufacturing, and has accelerated the development of advanced manufacturing.

  3. 出台现代服务业改革发展举措,服务新业态新模式异军突起,促进了各行业融合升级。

  异军突起,比喻一支新生力量突然出现,因此翻译为“a marked rise”。“各行业”通俗的说法可能会有同学说这还不简单various industries,然而我们官方给的是 multiple sectors。我们来简单辨析一下sector和industry这两个单词。sector指的是“a part of the business activity of a country”,而industry指的是“businesses that produce a particular service”。看完英文释义后是不是觉得sector更恰当一点?

  We unveiled reform and development measures to foster modern services; this has led to a marked rise in new forms of business in the services sector and new service models as well as the integration and upgrading of multiple sectors.


  种植业适度规模经营 appropriately scaled-up farming

  The share of appropriately scaled-up farming has increased from 30 to over 40 percent.

  5. 采取措施增加中低收入者收入,推动传统消费提档升级、新兴消费快速兴起。

  中低收入者 people in low-and middle-income brackets,bracket可以指收入,价格,年龄,税收的范围、等级。提到等级大家估计会条件反射想到class这个词,class也表是等级,它是根据教育背景,工作,收入等划分出的社会等级,例如我们常说的middle class中产阶级。

  We have taken measures to increase the incomes of those in low- and middle-income brackets, and helped to see an upgrading of traditional forms of consumption, and a boom in new forms of consumption.

  6. 优化投资结构,鼓励民间投资,发挥政府投资撬动作用,引导更多资金投向强基础、增后劲、惠民生领域。

  “民间投资”,顾名思义就是来自民间的投资,是相对与国有投资而言的,译为private investment,private这个词有一层词义就是非国有的、民营的。“增后劲”实际说的是有后劲,也就是可持续的力量,所以译为enhance sustainability.“惠民生”有多种翻译:benefit the people, improve the livelihood, improve people`s well-being

  We have improved the composition of investment, encouraged private investment, used government investment to play a catalytic role, and guided more funding toward areas that strengthen the economic foundation, enhance sustainability, and improve people’s lives.

TAG标签:   2019考研翻译硕士   


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