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时间:2021-03-01来源:华宇网校作者:考研英语 考研视频



针对考试: 研究生入学考试

适合科目: 考研网课及押题资料包含:考研英语一二、考研数学一二三、考研政治及各热门考研专业课如:考研管理类联考199、考研西医综合、考研法律硕士、考研教育学311、考研教育综合333、考研312心理学、考研347心理学、考研计算机408、考研金融学431、考研经济类联考396、考研经济学801、考研中医综合、考研新闻与传播、考研翻译硕士MIT、考研艺术概论、考研护理综合308、考研汉语国际教育、考研口腔综合325、考研药学综合349、考研历史学313、考研应用统计432
课程文件: MP4视频、PDF讲义、PDF电子书

包含班次: 零基础入门班,基础精讲班,强化班,特训班,冲刺班,预测班

分享方式: 度云网盘连接(百度网盘资源可下载后离线观看或者保存后在线观看)

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  1. With due consideration of all these contributors, we may predict that with the speedy development of our society, customers in expanding numbers will attach utmost significance to the feature, service as well environment of a restaurant rather than prices or other factors. 考虑到所有这些因素,我们可以预计,随着社会的迅速发展,越来越多的消费者将更加重视餐厅的特色、服务、环境,而不是价格或其他因素。
  1. On the one hand, staff members in their forties usually have to undertake a lot of responsibilities from both their families and their career. 一方面,41 至 50 岁之间的员工通常不得不承担来自于家庭和职业的双重责任。
  2. Sometimes they are even under pressure to pursue money, power, high social status, and so on, which are all symbols of success. 有时他们甚至承受着获取金钱、权力、较高的社会地位等压力,而这些都象征着成功。
  3. On the other hand, people over 50 generally have shifted their life goals from achieving the ultimate success to a relatively easy and comfortable life, and therefore are inclined to be much more satisfied with their jobs. 另一方面,50 岁以上的人通常已经将人生目标从实现终的成功转变为一种相对轻松、舒适的生活,因而更容易对工作感到满意。
  4. In view of the above reasoning, I am convinced that it is difficult for everyone to be content with their jobs. 鉴于上述论证,我认为很难做到每个人都对工作满意。
  5. And that it is advisable that people should adjust their expectations for work, and that companies should pay more attention to the welfare of their staff. 建议人们调整对工作的期望,而企业也应对员工的幸福多加重视。
  1. In travelling, we may join tourists marveling at the incredible power of Niagara Falls, mingle with the happy throngs strolling in the Paris boulevards and experience the bitterness and joy of people on different lands and in different times. 在旅行中,我们可以和游客一起,赞叹尼亚加拉瀑布那雷霆万钧之势,和喜洋洋的人群一起穿过巴黎的林荫大道,还可以体验不同时代、不同国土上人们的酸甜苦辣。
  2. College students, who have to juggle academic work, romantic relationships and a busy social calendar, are particularly susceptible to pressure. 另一方面,大学生不得不应对学习、恋爱和繁忙的社交日程,很容易感受到压力。


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