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2022年专八改错练习附解析 (31)

时间:2021-08-29 14:38来源:华宇网校作者:英语专业四八级 英语视频网课


  When I decided to return back to school at the __1__ age of thirty-five, I wasn’t at all worried for my __2__ ability to do the work. After all, I was a grown woman who has raised a family, not a confused__3__ teenager freshly out of school. But when I __4__ started classes, I realized that those “confused teenagers” who sitting around me were in __5__ more better shape for college than I was. They still__6__ had all their classrooms skills in bright, shiny__7__ condition, while mine grown rusty from disuse. I__8__ had totally forgotten how to locate information in a library, what to write a report, __9__ or even how to speak up in class discussion. __10__



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