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时间:2019-10-11来源:网络整理 作者:华宇考试网 点击:


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  重阳节,由于它是在中国夏历九月初九这一天,所以又被称为重九节,至今有约两千年的汗青。在中国古代,重阳节是一个重要的节日,这一天要进行各类庆祝勾当,如:登高、赏菊(chrysanthemum )、插茱萸(cornel)、吃重阳糕等。登髙是重阳节的主要习俗。昔人认为,在这一天登高可以逃不免灾。连年来,这个陈腐的节日被赋予新的寄义,逐渐成为开展各类敬老勾当、一年一度的“暮年节”。


  Chongyang Festival,falls on the ninth day of theninth lunar month, because of which,it is alsonamed as the Double-ninth Festival, which has ahistory of some 2,000 years. As an important festivalin ancient China, Chongyang Festival was celebrated by holding various activities, such asclimbing mountains, appreciating chrysanthemums, wearing cornel and eating Chongyangcakes. Climbing mountains is a major custom in Chongyang Festival. Ancient people thoughtclimbing mountains on this day could help them avoid misfortune and prevent disasters. Inrecent years, a new meaning has been given to the old festival,and it gradually becomes anannual Seniors’ Day, on which various activities are held in honor of senior people.

  1.夏历九月初九:可译为the ninth day of the ninth lunar month可能the ninth day of the ninth month in the lunar calendar。

  2.被称为:可译为be known as, be referred to, be named as 可能be called。

  3.进行各类庆祝勾当:此处中文省去了主语,并不强更换作的发出者,所以翻译成英语时利用被动语态更隧道,故译为be celebrated by holding various activities。

  4.逃不免灾:其意为“制止祸事,免去劫难”,故直译成avoid misfortune and prevent disasters即可。

  5.被赋予新的寄义:可译为a new meaning has been given to。

  6.敬老:in honor of暗示“向…致敬”;“老”暗示“年父老”,可译为 senior people 或 the elderly。


