
2018高级会计师《职称英语》基础班:概括大意与完成句子1 (2)

时间:2018-07-29 18:21来源:网络整理考试资料 作者:华宇课件网 点击:
Fur-bearing animals are plentiful in the forests and streams, and valuable fur seals inhabit the waters. After fishing, the state’s chief industry is lumber and the production of wood pulp. In recen


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Fur-bearing animals are plentiful in the forests and streams, and valuable fur seals inhabit the waters. After fishing, the state’s chief industry is lumber and the production of wood pulp. In recent years, Alaska’s single most important resource has become oil. The state also has large deposits of coal,copper,gold and other minerals.



【答案】A. Rich Resources of the State


5.For as long as three months of a year, the sun ____ on the ice-covered land of Alaska.

A.as fish does

B.because of its rich natural resources

C.by the United States in the 19th century

D.shines day and night

E.only a very small percentage

F.a limited amount of the gold found there

【解析】根据语法知识这个句子缺谓语,在所给的六个选项中只有shine是单词第三人称的动词,后面所跟的状语day and night符合文中内容:the midnight sun never sets,符合语法条件的只有D。


6.According to statistics,______of the total area of Alaska has been used for farming.

A.as fish does

B.because of its rich natural resources

C.by the United States in the 19th century

D.shines day and night

E.only a very small percentage

F.a limited amount of the gold found there



7.Alaska was originally part of Russia, but was bought ______.

A.as fish does

B.because of its rich natural resources

C.by the United States in the 19th century

D.shines day and night

E.only a very small percentage

F.a limited amount of the gold found there



In 1959 Americans welcomed Alaska into the Union as the 49th state, symbolizing a change of attitude from that held in 1867, when the peninsula [pɪ'nɪnsjʊlə] was purchased from Russia.


8.Gold did not bring to Alaska as much wealth ____.

A.as fish does

B.because of its rich natural resources

C.by the United States in the 19th century

D.shines day and night

E.only a very small percentage

F.a limited amount of the gold found there

【解析】根据语法知识,这是一个not as... as...的结构,符合语法条件的只有A。



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