
《The lion and the mouse语法课》教学设计

时间:2018-11-15 08:07来源:考试资料 作者: 点击:


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英语语法是新课标中要求的一项重要知识内容,虽然撰写语法课的教学设计和试讲在近年来的教招考试中出现的频率较低,但其教学方式的优化和创新是考生面临的一大难点。故设计好一堂语法课是至关重要的。本文以牛津译林版小学六年级下册Unit 1 The lion and the mouse语法课为例进行教学设计,该教学设计以归纳式、启发式的语法教学方式为主,旨在体现学生在语法学习过程中的主体地位,摆脱传统的填鸭式语法教学。

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can grasp the form and usage of the adverb.

Students can learn some basic verbs' simple past tense.

Ability aims:

Students can use the simple past tense and adverbs correctly and fluently to talk about something in the past.

Emotional aims:

Students will be more interested in discussing with others.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can grasp the form and usage of the adverb and learn some basic verbs' simple past tense.

Difficult points:

Students can use the simple past tense and adverbs correctly and fluently to talk about something in the past.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Play a short video about the line and the mouse to help students recall the story they have learned last class, and have a free talk with them.

(Justification: primary school students are still at visual thinking stage, so the video is a vivid way to draw their attention at the beginning of the class.)

Step 2 Presentation

① Show some pictures and sentences on the screen:

(a) The lion laughed loudly.

(b) The lion asked sadly.

(c) The mouse said quietly.

(d) The mouse said happily.

Make these sentences into a chant, and let students sing with the teacher.

② Group work: Students work in group to find the similarities of these sentences:

laugh --- laughed; ask --- asked; say --- said

loud --- loudly; sad --- sadly; quiet --- quietly; happy --- happily

③ The teacher helps to conclude the rules:

Adverb: If you want to say how it laughed or asked, you can use "-ly" after the verb "laughed" or "asked", we do not use "loud or sad", OK?

Simple past tense: If you want to talk about something in the past, for example, yesterday, last week, or last year, you can change the verb into its "-ed" form, we do not use "laugh" or "ask", OK? Of course, you can also find some words special, for example, say --- said, so just remember them, I believe you can!

Then show some new words: bite --- bit; let --- let; wake --- woke

(Justification: Chant is interesting for primary students, so it can help to create a nice atmosphere. And by finding the rules in groups, they can improve the ability to cooperate with others and be more confident in English learning.)

TAG标签:   教师资格考试      教学设计      语法课   


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