
《A healthy diet语音课》教学设计

时间:2018-11-15 08:07来源:考试资料 作者: 点击:


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语音是英语学习中易出现僵化问题的部分,一旦定型,以后改变发音的难度会很大,所以在中小学阶段结合教学内容深入开展语音教学,帮助学生打好语音知识基础是非常重要的。撰写语音课的教学设计和试讲在近年来的教招考试中出现的频率呈上升态势,它不仅能够考查考生的教学能力,而且能够检测出考生的语音知识是否扎实。本文以牛津译林版小学六年级下册Unit 3 A healthy diet语音课为例进行教学设计,该教学设计以学生的兴趣为出发点,充分利用学生的模仿能力,旨在发挥学生的主观能动性,让其在潜移默化中掌握语音知识。

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

Students can grasp the pronunciation of "ou".

Students can learn some knowledge about western diet.

Ability aims:

Students can speak the words and sentences with the pronunciation of "ou" correctly and fluently.

Students can improve the listening ability.

Emotional aims:

Students will be more interested in English learning and active in taking part in class activities.

Students can keep a healthy diet.

Teaching key points and difficult points:

Key points:

Students can grasp the pronunciation of "ou".

Difficult points:

Students will be more interested in English learning and active in taking part in class activities.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Play a game: show students two cards with letter "O" and letter "U" separately, and ask students to think up some words, for example, open, orange, up, and out.

(Justification: students can pay attention to the new class quickly by playing the game, and the teacher can lead in naturally with the letters mentioned in this class.)

Step 2 Presentation

① Draw some pictures on the blackboard and ask students: "what's it?" They can tell: "mouse, and house."

② Listen to a chant, sing with it:

Mrs. Li shouts, "Get out! Get out!"

There's a little mouse in the house.

Then ask students to find more words like "house and mouse" in this chant, and they find "shout and out".

③ Group work: Students work in group to find the similarities of these words:

They all have the group of letters "ou", and "ou" pronounces as /au/.

(Justification: Chant is interesting for primary students, so it can help to create a nice atmosphere. And by finding the rules in groups, they can improve the ability to cooperate with others and be more confident in English learning.)

TAG标签:   教师资格考试      教学设计      语音课   


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