



As the saying goes, "brothers, satisfy broken heart." A man's strength is too small, only have cooperation, can achieve. Man is standing in the far out at sea coast mast-head can have a ship, the need to promote, One mountain is in the far east has whose shimmering rays of the sun, need a set, One of the force is restless in its mother's womb, the maturation of maternal infant to nourish.

  Cooperation is the path to success to mark. Danish astronomer with 30 years DiGu observation of the planet, precision accumulated extensive accurate and reliable information. But no good theoretical thinking and scientific arrangement, not a great discovery. Before his death DiGu will material to assistant Kepler, and told him the material preparation. DiGu accurate observation and the profound study of Kepler, combining finally leads the movement of the planets of the three laws of motion of the object, uncover secret. Without cooperation, the three laws of motion to the planet?

  Cooperation is spread to the foundation of success. Many of the warring states period, and Lin xiangru's WanBiGuiZhao nov.1992, WangChongYong zhao zhao4 guo2's prime minister, as when lian Po old general prided himself on that very defy spirit, and everywhere. Lin xiangru's for the country's interests to lian Po old rivalry everywhere. General In the old general understand Lin xiangru's on the original, very ashamed, personally to prime minister mansion QingZui auxiliary thorns. In dealing with national affairs of their cooperation, make an increasingly, JiangXiangHe as historical legacy. Without cooperation, which come national prosperity?

  The train is bound for successful cooperation. In 1935, MAO zedong not before the zunyi meeting presided over the job. By chance, the influence of socialist left the situation is very difficult, forced march. The long march in zunyi meeting, held in zhou enlai, and WangJiaXiang insistence, established MAO zedong in the party's leadership, the new army under the leadership of the CPC in MAO zedong, seeking truth from facts, solidarity and cooperation, the battle is one by one. Since then, the communist party of China, the ideal ship across the narrow waterway, light avenue. Without cooperation, which to historic transition?

  BC, chu, zhao 318, wei, Korea, yan five components of the coalition against aggression, qin, however, due to the heart, want to own interests, not very good cooperation, resulting in failure. If at all in the world cooperate, concentrated force, material and financial resources, is certain to beat the qin dynasty. Say so, with cooperation, can achieve.

  Let the flower of success in the cooperation in the soil in the spring, the cooperation in the spring, let the success of spewing eagles flying in the sky in the cooperation. Let us have cooperation, hug success!










Do you know how to make chicken wings? If you don't know, come and see my share! The following are the detailed steps. 1. After washing the chicken wings, use a knife to mark the chicken wings twice, and slice the ginger and garlic. Blanch chicken wings in boiling water and wash.

2. put the oil into the pan (oil is slightly more than the usual cooking). When the 8 becomes hot, put 2 spoons of sugar into the pan, stir fry until the sugar is melted (blistering, wait until the foam dissipate, when the sugar becomes golden yellow, put in the cleaned chicken wings), stir fry in medium heat until each chicken wing becomes beautiful.

3. Stir fry slices of ginger and garlic, Chinese prickly ash, star anise and dried pepper until fragrant. Add a little salt, cooking wine and 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and stir fry for a few minutes.

4. Put in some hot water to submerge the chicken wings. Use medium heat to stew chicken wings. When the soup becomes less, use high heat to thicken the juice, subject to not drying the pot.

译文:鸡翅的制作方式及步骤你清楚吗?假设你不清楚,就来看看我的分享吧!下面这些内容就是具体步骤. 1,鸡翅洗净后,用小刀在鸡翅上划两道,姜蒜切片。鸡翅放入沸水中焯一下,洗净。





Sometimes I dream about life in the future. What will it be?

  Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday or even live on the moon,and some scientists will build cities under the sea to make people live there.

  We can have a medical examination or do some shopping without leaving our homes,which makes the life more convenient.

  Maybe we will also do some shopping and work at home.

  And Im sure therell be more educational programmes on the radio or TV or by the Intemet or videophones,so perhaps some children wont need to go to school every day.

  Theyll study at home.

  In the future,all electric equipment at home is under the con-trol of computers. People can learn about the situation of the house by working on the computer at the office.

  No people like doing housework. Maybe each family will have a robot. Every day we can tell the robot what to do-shopping,housework and so on. believe the dream will come true some day.


My View on Proverty

Among the problems we face, I think poverty is the biggest problem. My reasons are as follows.

To begin with, there are still many people dying of starvation in many poor countries. They don’t have enough food, for they have no money. It’s no doubt that eating unhealthily will result in illness. What’s more, people in these undeveloped areas usually lack of proper health care. Thus, infectious diseases like AIDS spreads fast. That is terrible.

In addition, their clothes are too worn to be called “clothes”, and thus many of them are frozen to death. The little match girl in Andersen's fairy tale is just a case in point. Such a problem is mostly caused by lack of money, in other word, poverty.

From over above we can safely draw a conclusion that poverty is the biggest problem in Earth.


The Ant and the Grasshopper☆   蚂蚁和蚱蜢☆   In a field one summer's day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart's content。☆   夏日的一天,一只蚱蜢已经在一块庄稼地上蹦来跳去,无忧无虑地唱着歌。☆   An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest。☆   这时,一只蚂蚁从它身边爬过。蚂蚁正十分费劲地拖着一个玉米棒子,它是要把玉米棒子拖回到蚂蚁巢里面去。☆   "Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling in that way?"☆   “过来跟我聊聊天吧,”蚱蜢说,“用不着既然如此那,辛苦地工作吧?”☆   "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do the same."☆  “我正帮忙收集过冬用的粮食,”蚂蚁说,“我建议你也去收集点粮食。”☆   "Why bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "We have got plenty of food at present." But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil。☆   “为了过冬用不着这么费劲吧?”蚱蜢说,“我们目前有大把的粮食”。 蚂蚁没有听它的,而是继续辛苦地拖着粮食往回赶。☆   When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need。☆   冬天来了,蚱蜢没有粮食,都快要饿死了。 这时,蚱蜢看到蚂蚁们正分发他们在夏天时收集并储存起来的玉米和谷物。 蚱蜢明白了: 什么事都要提早做好准备,以后才有好的结果。☆



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