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时间:2020-01-13来源:英语六级考试网 作者:英语六级翻译 点击:


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  故宫 the Imperial Palace

  紫禁城 the Forbidden City

  天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square

  长方形 rectangular

  建筑面积 floor space

  现存 in existence

  上朝 give audience

  处理 handle

  世界文化遗产 World Cultural Heritage


  The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City was the palace where the 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruled China for roughly 500 years. The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, on the northern side of Tian’anmen Square, rectangular in shape, 960 meters from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 72 hectares and a total floor space of 150 000 square meters. It’s the world’s largest and most integral palace made of wood in existence. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts: the outer court and the inner court. The outer court was the place where the emperors gave audience and handled state affairs, while the inner court was the living quarters for the emperors and their families. In 1987 the Imperial Palace was listed by the UNESCO as one of the World Cultural Heritage sites.


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