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  273. give expression to 表达,表现

  find expression in 表现

  274. to extent 在程度上

  275. in the extreme (= extremely) 极其

  276. look sb. in the eye 正视 打量(某人)

  277. close (shut) ones eyes to不理会视而不见

  278. in ones minds eye 在心目中,在想象中

  279. in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

  280. keep an eye on(=keep a watch on)照看,监视

  281. in the eyes of in ones eyes ( = in the judgment of ) 在某人看来,在某人眼里

  282. on the face of it (=judging by what one can see) 表面看来

  283. in the face of 面对着 (困难等情况)

  284. in ones face当着某人的面

  face to face面对面

  face up to 大胆面向

  285. fail in (=be unsuccessful in) 失败

  286. in good faith (=honestly sincerely) 真诚地

  287. keep faith with 对…守信用

  288. lose faith in 对失去信心

  289. on faith 毫无怀疑地,依赖地

  290. faithful to (=loyal to) 对…忠诚

  291. fall into the habit (of) 养成习惯

  292. fall short of (=fail to reach a desired result standard etc.) 没达到,低于

  293. familiar with 熟悉了解

  294. have a fancy for ( =like sth. without the help of reason) (没有道理地)喜欢,想要

  295. take a fancy to (=become fond of) 喜欢

  296. by far 远,非常 (与比较级或高级连用)

  297. far from 远远不是

  298. far from 非但不(而且)

  299. in fashion(=stylish most modern) 时兴,流行

  300. after the fashion (of) 依照

  301. find fault with(=complain about; criticize) 找毛病,对吹毛求疵

  302. at fault (=in the wrong blamable) 有错

  303. in favour of 赞成

  304. be in favour with 受宠,受偏爱

  out of favour with 失宠,不受宠

  305. in ones favour(=to ones advantage)对,有利

  306. (be) favourable to(=advantageous)有利的

  307. fear for (=be afraid for the safety of sb. or sth.) 为担心

  308. for fear of (=in case of; because of anxiety about) 以防,由于

  309. in fear of (=afraid for the safety of) 担心

  310. feed (sb.) on sth. 靠吃,用喂养

  311. be fed up with(=be unhappy tired about sth. dull) 厌烦,腻了

  312. feel like (=have a desire for) 想要

  313. fill in 填写

  314. fill out ( =fill in )填写

  315. set the world on fire=set the flames on fire(=do sth. remarkable) 有突出成就

  316. play with fire (=take great risks) 干冒险事

  317. set sth. on fire (=set fire to sth.) 使…着火放火

  318. at first sight(=when first seen)乍一看,一见

  319. for the first time 第一次(作状语)

  320. in the first place 首先,第一

  321. fit into 刚好放入

  322. fit in with ( = suit fall into agreement) 合适,相配,一致

  323. (be) fit for (=right and suitable for) 适合

  324. focus on (=concentrate on) 集中在…上

  focus sth. on 把精力集中在…上

  325. be fond of 喜欢

  326. (be) in force 有效


   英语专四       英语专四高频词组       专四   








