




  It was said that there was a white snake,which was called Bai Suzhen. She was willing to repay Xu Xian for saving her life before 500 years ago. Then she descended to the world and married him,living together happily.But the Monk Fa Hai,who was from the temple Jin Shan,kept making Bai Suzhen die. What he did made them part and the couple had no chance to meet. It was the story of "ghost "made by China.





  There is a very famous traditional Chinese story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snake spirits, White Snake and Green Snake. These snakes, being magical, turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.


  When they arrived at West Lake they met a man named Xu Xian. White Snake quickly fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married. A Buddhist monk, named Fa Hai, warned Xu Xian of his wife's deceptive appearance and suggested to him a plan.


  On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival White Snake wished to stay home so as to avoid the Ay Tsao, used for protection from spirits, hanging on the doors of people's houses. Her husband prepared, according to Fa Hai's instruction, some realgarwine, as this was a tradition during the Dragon boat festival. White Snake, thinking her magic would protect her from the effects of the realgar wine accepted a cup. After she drank the wine she became very ill and was barely able to get to her bed.When her husband came to her side, he found not his wife but a huge white snake. So great was Xu Xian's shock that he fell to the floor dead.

  端午节当天,白蛇待加家里以规避大家挂在门上驱邪的艾草,而许仙则依照法海的建议准备了各位考生在端午节时都会喝的雄黄酒。白蛇自认魔力可以抵挡雄黄酒对她的影响,因为这个原因喝了一杯。但是,在她喝下那杯酒后面,她却变得精疲力竭,基本上走不到床上。当许仙回到白蛇身边,看到的不是自己美丽的妻子, 而是一只巨大的白蛇,许仙震惊不已,从楼梯上摔死了。

  After recovering from the realgar wine and regaining her human form, White Snake was grief-stricken to find her husband dead. She set off on a journey to obtain a potent medicinal herb, which could revive her husband. After returning and reviving her husband with the medicine, she explained to Xu Xian that the white snake he saw was actually a dragon and that this vision was indeed a very good omen. Xu Xain's fears were put to rest for the moment by his wife's fancifulstory…


  Story of White Snake/Vocabulary

  magical 魔术般的(形容词)

  The eight immortals in the Taoist legends have magical powers. 道教中的八仙有魔力。


  The prince rescued the beautiful maiden from the monster. 王子由怪兽手中救出美丽的少女。


  Would you like to join us on our journey? 你想参加我们的旅行吗?


  Many people go to that Buddhist temple on the weekends.不少人在星期六和星期天到佛教的寺院去。


  That monk lives a very quiet and peaceful life. 那位僧侣过著平静的生活。


  I believe that the advertising is a little deceptive. 我相信广告总是有一部分骗人。


  He was grief-stricken when he heard about his friend's accident. 当他听到朋友的意外时,他极度的悲伤。


  The poison of the snake is a very potent. 那只蛇的毒很强。


  Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen. 古代的大家相信月蚀是一种坏的预兆。



1、Eating zongzi 吃粽子

Zongzi are pyramid-shaped dumplings made of glutinous rice, stuffed with different fillings and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. This traditional food is popular during the Dragon Boat Festival.


2、Drinking realgar wine 饮雄黄酒

Realgar wine is Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar. It is a custom to drink the wine during the Dragon Boat Festival.


3、Dragon boat racing 赛龙舟

Dragon boat racing is a traditional pastime where crews of 22 seated in long, dragon-shaped boats race lengths of up to 2023m. The Races are an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival and are held all over China.


4、Wearing a sachet 佩香囊

During Dragon Boat Festival, parents typically dress their children up with a sachet. They first sew little bags with colorful silk cloth, then fill the bags with perfumes or herbal medicines, and finally string them with silk thread. The sachet, which is said to be able to ward off evil, is usually hung around the child's neck or tied to the front of his or her garment as an ornament.


5、Tying five colored rings 系五彩线

Tying five brightly-colored decorative rings around children's wrists, ankles and necks during the Dragon Boat Festival is said to help the child ward off pests.




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