



  Nowadays more and more private cars have entered thousands of ordinary families. Privatecars are used every day to carry i people to and from work. At weekends, private cars take families on joyful outings. Most of people living in the city like private cars very much. What is more, the development of the car industry will stimulate other industries, such as iron and steel production. So the private car benefits the growth of economy.

  Private cars, like everything else, have more than one face. Private cars have also given rise to a series of problems. For example, the street are crowded with cars. They not only cause traffic accidents which injure or kill a large number of people each year, but also make great noise and give off many poisonous gases. But I believe we can solve all of the problems in the near futrue.


The 7-days-long holiday is entitled“Golden Week”by the Chinese government to celebrate the most important festival in China:The Spring Festival.The past decade has witnessed private cars from luxuries to common equipment,as well as the Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival from traditional ways to modern ones.Nowadays,more and more people choose to celebrate the Spring Festival Golden Week to travel by driving their own cars with families.


From my personal angle alone,driving your own car is a worthwhile way to try when you decide to travel.Why?


The initial reason lies in that driving your own car is liberal.Compared with joining a travel agency,driving makes your touring time more flexible.Imaging,when you are driving along the national roads,the setting sun paints the trees,remote mountains with a golden glory,you could stop the car whenever you want and enjoy the scene.However,if you are a member of a travel group,your schedule is beyond your decision.


Another reason I suggest self-driving tourism is that it enhances the family bonds,emotionally.On the road,only family members are in the car,they could exchange more private thoughts with each other,they could make jokes which only involving family members,they could hug and kiss without any hesitating.Obviously,the emotional connections would become closer because of words and contact during this tour.


Therefore,let’s take our families and try to spend the“Golden Week”on the road!




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