



Gold is a kind of material color, a slightly darker yellow, which refers to the visual effect of yellow objects with extremely smooth surface and metallic texture.

Glossy, the color of metallic gold, symbolizes nobility, glory, luxury and brilliance.

It symbolizes shining, brilliance and brightness, so clothes are usually made of gold.


Today is the first day of our trip. I set off with excitement and happiness.

We started from our mothers school and came to Nanchang Changbei Airport with laughter and laughter all the way, ready to fly.

Finally, when I boarded the plane, I looked at the plane from the passage at the entrance of the plane.

The plane was really big! Compared with the plane, those of us are like little ants. T

he plane is a monster! The planes I have seen are usually white, but I was a little surprised to see this Universiade plane.

The plane is blue and covered with cartoon patterns.

Some of the patterns are like a rectangular jelly, smiling at us.

Some are like laughing jelly. Look, she is trembling with laughter!


You cant have it both ways. We must choose one.

We often face such choices in life. Maybe some of them are not voluntary, but they are also necessary for our future.

For example, some people dont like reading, but for the future, we must learn knowledge.

my progress英语作文?

my progress

  Life is full of ups and downs, so is my middle school life.

  I used to be a shy girl who dare not exchange my ideas with my classmates, which is extremely bad for my study. Therefore, I made up my mind to become more outgoing. At first, it was tough for me to involve myself in the group discussion or to join in after-school activities. Luckily, with the encouragement from my friends, I managed to express my own thoughts and do some volunteering in my spare time. It seems that I am not that shy girl any more, which is definitely a great progress I have ever made.

  Just as an old saying goes, a thousand-li journey begins with the first step. However difficult it is, I should take the first step and make progress little by little.


My Teacher

My English teacher, Jackson comes from the U.K..He often makes his classes lively and interesting. Also, he is always kind to us students. He often focuses on not only our study but also our school life. I am so proud to have such an excellent teacher.


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