

时间:2021-02-23来源:华宇网校作者:英语四级词汇 英语四级网课





  元宵节 the Lantern Festival

  元宵 rice glue ball

  糯米 glutinous rice

  舞龙/舞狮 lions/dragons dancing

  猜字谜 guess lantern riddles

  对春联 play couplets game

  赏花灯 enjoy beautiful lanterns

  灯花 snuff

  灯会 exhibit of lanterns

  耍龙灯 dragon lantern dancing

  彩灯庙会 colored lanterns' temple fair

  元宵庙会 Lantern Festival's temple fair

  杂耍 variety show/vaudeville

  戏曲 traditional opera

  焰火大会 fireworks party

  腰鼓动 drum dance

  打安定鼓 beating drums while dancing

  划旱船 land boat dancing

  踩高跷 walking on stilts


  rather than

  例句:Rather than pursue money to achieve happiness,we should focus on the improvement ofourselves.

  (The)chances are that

  例句:Chances are that she has already known it,and there is no need for us to keep thesecret.

  It occurred to sb. that

  例句:It had never occurred to Marry she would become a princess someday.



  京剧 Peking opera

  秦腔 Qin opera

  功夫 Kungfo

  太极 Tai Chi

  口 技 ventriloquism

  泥人 clay figure

  技击 martial arts

  风水 Fengshui; geomantic omen

  十二生肖 zodiac

  阳历 Solar calendar

  农历 Lunar calendar

  平年 leap year

  纸墨笔砚 the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone)

  陈腔滥调文 eight-part essay

  七言律诗 seven-character octave

  五言绝句 five-character quatrain

  唐装 Tang suit

  旗袍 cheongsam

  中山装 Chinese tunic suit


  as good as…

  例句:The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him.

  to make…of

  例句:I will make a scientist of my son.

  Nothing is more…than/Nothing is so …as

  例句:Nothing is more precious than time.



  政治和文明中心 political and cultural center

  中华人民共和国的建立 the founding of thePeople's Republic of China

  游览胜地 tourist attraction

  外滩 Bund

  城隍庙 City God Temple

  天下文明和设计中心 cosmopolitan center ofculture and design

  范例 showpiece

  历史文明名城 a noted historic and cultural city

  古风古韵 ancient customs and rhyme

  恋恋不舍 to have much enjoyment and forgetto go back home/to linger on with no thought of leaving

  历史文明的堆积 sediment of historical culture

  航运关键 shipping hub

  纳西族 Naxi people

  人世瑶池 wonderlands on the earth


  as a rule凡是,按例

  as far as...be concerned就...而言

  as to…至于…,对于…

  all of a sudden 忽然

  all the time 不断,一直

  at best充其量,至多

  abide by…恪守…,信守…


  adapt oneself to…/adjust oneself to…使考生自己顺应于…

  before long 不久当前

  beyond question 毫无疑难

  co妹妹ent on…谈论…

  concentrate on/upon…集中注重力于…

  convince somebody of something使或人确信某事
