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时间:2022-12-12 13:04来源:华宇网校作者:托福视频网课 英语视频网课


写一篇英语作文是讲解自己喜欢的一门课的因素,我喜欢物理i decided to study physics because i thought physicists were the people best placed to solved the mystery of the universe .How did the universe come into being,


Due to the novel coronavirus, schools across the country have delayed the opening hours. We are all in the online class, although the online class is convenient, but I still want to go back to the original classroom.

  In the morning of the first day of online class, I got up early and began to read early. After breakfast, I sat at my desk in a hurry, ready for class supplies, and then turned on my tablet computer to wait for class. I started my first online class trip seriously, and I wrote down the important ones while watching. Finish the homework assigned by the teacher quickly after class, and the day is over unconsciously! I was very happy on the first day of online class, which lasted for two weeks.

my favorite subject带翻译的英语作文?

MY favourite subject

English is my favourite subject as I find it quite interesting and useful. By learning English ,I not only learn the languge itself ,but also learn different cultures of other countries.I enjoyed the lessons that my teachers taught me how to spell the words ,how to express requests in English and so on by playing lots of games,which brought me great funs.With such a deep interest in English ,I always catch every chance to learn English .Without doubt ,I perform well in every English classas.What's more ,I would watch movies in English ,listen to English songs and even try reading English magazines and novels in my spare time.So it is obvious that I love English best!



Technology has certainly changed the way we live.Undoubtedly, technology plays an important role in education.Technologys impact on education includes: 1.easy access to information 2.greater interest in learning 3.increased retention of information 4.better presentation of information 5.teaching made interactive 6.knowledge sharing made easy



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