
中考被朋友鼓励英语作文,重庆中考英语作文 级



Friend like a match, although the weak light, they illuminate the path of your confusion; Friend lifebuoys are, in your time struggling to choke the water in your body sets; Friend to allow each others heart is no longer lonely, like winters Friend sunlight, at any time will see warm, bright light

Friends, such as fresh, the Oasis. Ganquan drink, our hearts become clear and bright. Friends, such as smoked sea drunk wishes. Feel the sea breeze, our hearts become clean and spacious. Friend is a wealth that will enable you in the dark is light, feel the warmth in the cold. Happiness in solitude felt, in the bitter sweet feeling. Friend has given us the strength to overcome difficulties. You and I would like to have the money!

重庆中考英语作文 ?

My happy trip

I went to climb the Great Wall wIth my parents this summer vacation. I’m glad to know you’re interested in this trip. I’ll tell you as much as possible now.

The Great Wall is one of the greatest wonders of the world. It attracts thousands of tourists both at home and abroad every day. It runs across the mountains, like a dragon.

When we got there we were very excited that we began to climb immediately. The steps sometimes were very flat, but sometimes very steep. After two hours of climbing, we got to the top at last. I enjoyed the beauty of the mountains and took a lot of photos. I felt really proud and thought of the famous saying: He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.

If you come to China, I’ll be glad to take you to the Great Wall so that you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Great Wall.



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