

时间:2021-02-10来源:华宇网校作者:英语四级语法 英语四级网课





  During the recent years, countless small busines ses have closed their doors and gonebankrupt. The corne r grocer's , the small dress shop, the beauty salon, all are victims ofmarket competition. Most of them are replaced by other small businesses that temporarilyfill the needs of the neighbourhood but frequently end up, sharing the same fate ofdissolution. More often, the market served by small businesses is taken over by large storesand shops. Businesses like the corner groceries and the dress shops have gone to bigdepartment stores and supermarkets, which not only keep adequate store and variety, butalso provide better environment and service.

  Appar ently, it is increasingly difficult for small businesses to succeed in the present complexeconomic structure based, as it is, on small profit margins and tremendou s sales volume. Lackof enough fund and poor management may be the chief cause of this tragedy. In addition, thequality of their co妹妹odities often causes suspicion of the customers as many smallbusinesses are found to sell fake products for more profit, thus earning themselves an evilreputation. As to shopping environment and convenient service, they are unmentionable. All of the above speed up their bankruptcy.

  Today, with the establishment of more and more groups and big corporations, how smallbusinesses can survive in the tide of the market competitive economy has become a hotsocial issue.


  · Small businesses gone bankrupt

  · Cause 1 — difficult to run on the basis of small profit margins and tremendous volume

  · Cause 2 — short of fund

  · Cause 3 — evil reputation

  · Cause 4 — undesirable environment and service

  · How to survive is questionable


  本文是一篇谈论文, 触及一社会热点话题, 文中内容切近理想, 读来令人感应“这些事仿佛都产生在咱们四周”。别的, 全文文笔很是流通, 是一篇很好的漫笔。


  go bankrupt 停业

  beauty salon 美容院

  corne r grocer's 小街杂货店

  ma rket competiton 市场合作

  s har e the same fate 遭受相反运气

  be taken ove r by... 由……代替

  small profit margins and tremendous volume 薄利多销

  cau se suspicion 惹起怀疑

  speed up 减速

  groups and big corporations 团体和至公司

  survive in the tide of market competitive economy 在市场合作经济大潮中幸存

  hot social issue 社会热门



  We may say with cer tainty that the more one reads, the better one unde rstands ; and that thebet ter one understands, the more one is inclined to read. In other words, from reading comesunderstanding, and from understanding comes more reading. The reading habit is actuallycultivated by reading itself.

  Now let us discuss the question of what to read. There are books on various subjects — history, literature, philosophy, science, fine arts, etc. When you a re to choose from among a vastnumber of subjects the best books to read, you will feel quite at sea. I therefore suggest that, before you proceed to read any book, you try to find out what others have done before you, that is read the results of other people's labour first. Usually newspapers or magazines arealways your convenient guide to the world of best writings.

  Another problem is how to read. Here, I would offer two suggestions: concent ration andreflection. You cannot well unde rstand what is said in book s unless you concent rate yourmind on what you read. And then you must think over what you have read. This is reflectionwhich helps to s u妹妹arize your reading . To a great extent , concentration and reflectionare interdependent.

  A reading habit thus formed will prove valuable to you. Whenever you have spare time, youwill resort not to places of pleasure, but to the bookshelves, you will not feel lonesome whenyou are alone, because you can see all kinds of characters moving and acting on the pages, andyou can hear all kinds of good counsel. In the long run, your imaginative power will beincreased, your esthetic sensibility heightened, your vocabulary enlarged, and finally your ability ofwriting tremendously improved.


  ·Reading — under standing — reading more

  · What to read — problems and suggestions

  * Select reading ma terials

  * Learn from othe rs

  · How to read

  * Concent ration

  * Reflection

  ·Advant ages

  * No lonelines s

  * Mor e imaginative power

  * La rger vocabula ry

  * Bette r esthetic sensibility

  * Improved writing ability


  本文是一篇证明文, 旨在证明怎样造就阅读习气。第一段弁言部分围绕“ 阅读—明白—阅读”的一定干系展开, 主题句在段尾“阅读习气实质上是通过阅读自己造就起来的。”第2、三段划分阐明“读什么”和“怎样读”这两个问题, 这是本文的主体。后一段以“ 养成阅读习气带来的利益”而末端。全文级别感强, 有压服力, 匆匆令人们试着去做。


  say with cer tainty = definitely say

  be inclined to + v . 趋势于

  feel at sea 感应茫然

  proceed to + v . 进行

  concent ration and reflection 集中注重和思索检讨

  concent rate one’s mind on . . . 注重力集中在....

  think ove r = consider

  su妹妹arize v . 总结

  to a . . . extent 在...水平上

  interdependent a . 互为依存

  resort to + n . 常去..

  not feel lonesome when alone 独处时不感应孤苦

  all kinds of char acter s moving and acting on the pages 种种人物的运动和演出呼之欲出

  in the long run 久远来看

  esthetic sen sibility heightened 审美能力提升了



  More and more people have become aware of the significance of work efficiency. What doeswork efficiency mean? First of all, it means working without any waste of time. A person withefficiency can produce more things in less time. In addition, work efficiency is closely linkedwith better quality of work results.

  Many people are interested in improving their work efficiency because it can bring a lot ofbenefits both to an individual and to the society.

  The most obvious benefit of work efficiency is that a person can use the time saved to do alot of other valuable things. For example, a student who studies with high efficiency can wintime to read more books, and to be engaged in more activities. Another benefit is that aperson who works efficiently can have more leisure time to enjoy life. He can do whatever helikes to do in his leisure time, such as listening to music, going to movies, shopping, andtouring.

  High efficiency in work will undoubtedly lead to the great increase of output and theimprovement of the quality of products, which will, in turn, contribute to the developmentand the prosperity of the society.


  ·What work efficiency means

  ·Benefits of work efficiency



  本文是一篇简单的谈论文。文中作者就考生自己的观点和领会谈了对“ 工作效率”这一问题的定见。人人都说提升工作效率很关键, 但实质上又做到了多少? 本文文字简单明了, 构想也其实不繁杂, 是一篇很好的四级作文。


  be linked with 与……相连

  be engaged in 从事

  output n. 产量

  prosperity n. 昌盛

