



miss想念 like喜欢 love喜爱 lover爱人

crush迷恋 sweet甜蜜 care关心 swear发誓

honey亲爱的 adore爱慕 kiss亲吻 need需

marry结婚 envy嫉妒 hate憎恨 hand牵手

hold相拥 sleep睡觉 play玩耍 argue争吵

angry生气 cheat欺骗 part分手 hide隐藏

love 爱lover 爱人crush 迷恋hots 强烈的感情/想法honey 亲爱的,甜甜cupid 丘比特, 爱神pine 恋慕yearn 留恋,恋慕kiss 吻hug, hugs 拥抱joy 乐趣fond 宠爱pet 宠物,爱抚


sweety,读法[ˈswi:ti] 英语意为糖果、甜点,甜蜜的,在平日语言中,意为“甜心”“亲爱的”。与“darling”“honey”意义相似。 如: Sweety, life is given to us, we earn it by giving it. 亲爱的,生命是上天赋予的,我们只有献出生命,才可以真正得到它。

sweet 可以形容水果甜吗?



The height of the Eiffel Tower, is the distance between you and me.


The Eiffel Tower, we smile


Standing on the Eiffel Tower, at its height, the memory of my happiness.


Color pencil drawing of you my Paris tower


The height of the Eiffel Tower, is the distance between you and me.


The Eiffel Tower, we smile


Standing on the Eiffel Tower, at its height, the memory of my happiness.


Color pencil drawing of you my Paris tower



1. your English is incredible.我真不敢相信你的英语这么好啊

2. your son/daughter is so cute.你的孩子很可爱。

3. your chinese is really surprising.你的中文令人惊讶。

4. what an adorable baby! 多么可爱的孩子.

5. you#39;re looking sharp! 你看上去真精神/真棒/真漂亮.

6. I envy you very much.我很羡慕你。

7. you#39;ve got a great personality.你的个性很好。

8. you look outstanding.=you look like a movie star.你看上去帅呆了。

9. we#39;re so proud of you.我们十分为你骄傲.

10. i#39;m very pleased with your work.我对你的工作很满意.

表扬的重点在于: 让孩子相信,他有让自己变得更好的力量。不管是用英语或者中文,都会给予孩子动力,让他感觉到并相信自己有变得更好的能力。一起共勉。


1. Good Job! 干得好!

2. Excellent! 太出色了!

3 You tried very hard. 你很努力了。

4. You’re so sweet. 你真甜蜜。

5. Thank you . 谢谢。

6. Good for you! 对你来说太好了。

7. I can see the progress. 我已经看到了进步.

8. You’re special. 你是独特的。

9. Wow! 哇!(叫绝声)

10. I trust you.我相信你。

11. That’s amazing! 这太令人惊叹了!

12. How nice! 你多好啊!

13. Great! 太伟大了!

14. You’re adorable. 你真可爱。

15. I’m proud of you. 我为你骄傲。

16. I knew you could do it. 我清楚你能做到。

17. Awesome! 了不起!

18. Super! 好极了!

19. You’re a good helper. 你是个好帮手。

20. You’re exciting. 你真令人激动。

21. You’re beautiful. 你太美了。

22. That’s incredible! 简直令人很难置信!

23. How smart! 多聪明啊!

24. Well done! 完成得很好!

25. Beautiful work. 完美的工作。

26. You made my day. 你给了我美好的一天。

27. You are so responsible. 你真负责任。

28. Let’s try it again.让我们再试试。

29. You really tried. 你尽力了。

30. You’re so creative. 你太有创造力了。

31. Great work! 做得太好了!

32. Fantastic! 太奇妙了!

33. You Can Do It.你能做到。

34. Bingo! 做对了!

35. You figured it out. 你处理了问题。

36. That’s the best. 这是好的。

37. You did that very well. 你做得很好。

38. Good learning! 掌握并熟悉的很好!

39. You’re a good listener. 你是一位好听众。

40. You’re so much fun. 你真是太有趣了。

41. You’re caring. 你有爱心。

42. Wonderful sharing. 极好的分享。

43. You’re a winner. 你赢了。

44. You’re a treasure. 你真是个宝。

45. Bravo! 太精彩了!

46. You’re wonderful. 你真是太出色了。

47. You are precious. 你是珍贵的。

48. Remarkable job. 出色的工作。

49. Terrific! 太妙了!

50. You have a great sense of humor. 你很有幽默感。

1. You did a good job. 做得棒!

2. That is very good writing. 写得真好喔!

3. We have plenty of time. 还有这个时间喔,别担心啦!

4. Don’t be shy. 不要害羞嘛。

5. Follow me. Let’s do it again. 跟我做,我们一起再做一遍。

6. Nobody is perfect. 没有人是十全十美的!

7. You did many things today. 你今天做了很多事呀!

8. You’ve progressed a lot. 你真是进步很多呢!

9. Terrific! 太好了,太棒了!

10. Fantastic! 太好了,太棒了!


晚安: 1. good night 2. good evening 3. nighty-night 4. bon soir 5. goodnight 6. good-night 7. bonne nuit 8. bonswar Examples: 1. 他说了声‘晚安’, 就去睡觉了.He said, `Goodnight,' and went to bed. 2. 晚安, 睡个好觉!Good night, sleep tight! 3. 晚安-祝你做好梦!Good night - sweet dreams! 4. 他说她很傻,举止像管家婆一样。他想讲解她认识他的朋友,于是她走到门口,就一次说了“晚安”,没不一样的了。He said it was silly of her to behave like a housekeeper, and he wanted to introduce his friends to her, so she went to the door, just once, and said good evening and that was that. 长吻晚安 Long Kiss Goodnight 既然如此那,晚安。 Good night then. 他向她道晚安 He wished her good night.甜蜜的梦!晚安! Sweet dreams! 他打着呵欠道晚安。 He yawned out a good night.



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